Jørgen finished his BSc in Computer Science from the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU) in 2019. His bachelor thesis was “Visualizing 3D BIM Models in the Real World Using Augmented Reality”.
Jørgen has a passion for creativity, systems, and the art of making an impact. Moreover, he thoroughly enjoys observing how computers process information, especially in an autonomous manner. Throughout the years, he has found that music is a medium that translates creativity.
Jørgen started with Maritime Optima as an intern during the summer of 2019 and started working with our route planner. He has also been vital for our vessel center, both on the front-end and back-end. We are so glad Jørgen decided to postpone his master’s studies for a year to be with us. From August 2020 Jørgen continued his Master in Computer Science at NTNU Trondheim and he now works part-time for Maritime Optima.
When Jørgen is not working, he enjoys producing and composing music.