A software solution for tracking, monitoring and analyzing vessel movements and port traffic, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.
Built on high-quality AIS data for all types of merchant vessels with global coverage. The AIS data is processed and cleaned in-house from live raw AIS data streams from satellites, terrestrial and dynamic AIS sources.
By combining the AIS data with our in-house sea route calculator, industry expertise, and by using machine learning and deep learning analytics, we build models providing you with better maritime insights.
A vessel destination prediction model for vessels who don't set a destination or set destination "unknown".
Create live position lists to find which vessels can reach your laycan window and their ETA. Get live updates as the vessels proceed.
Sea route calculator with constraints and a carbon emissions calculator, so you can compare alternative routes.
Port, area and crossing lines. Live monitoring with alerts, analytics, statistics and historical data.
Create vessel lists, with technical ship descriptions, live and historical AIS data ETA calculator and tailor made notifications.
Tailor-make your map with data layers such as ECA zones, war zones, sea ice, maritime weather, piracy, canals etc.
While some vessels set a destination, others don't. Therefore we have developed a predictive model which forecasts where the vessels will sail when they say "unknown" or set a "not readable" destination.
ShipIntel predict the countries and the ports together with an ETA based on the vessel's AIS service speed.
If the vessel sets a destination with an ETA, we also show you what the vessel says so you can compare and evaluate.
We are committed to continuously enhance its performance and accuracy.
Make live position lists based on the criteria important for you; type and size of vessels, laden or ballast, based on previous visited port, or where they are sailing or where the vessels are just now.
Find when they might be in a specific port and in which order they will arrive.
Monitor their performance and be notified in real-time about changes in their ETA, change of destination, sea routes etc. Each list gives you enhanced maritime insight since each vessel has live and historical AIS data attached, showing where they are just now and where they have been trading in the past.
Though the sea route calculator is not a navigational tool for navigators, we are very proud of it. We recommend comparing the ShipIntel sea route calculator with any other sea route calculator.
You can calculate sea routes from any of the vessel's real-time AIS positions to any port or combination of ports, or you can route between ports. ShipIntel warns if you try to route a vessel through a canal or strait if the vessel is too large to pass.
Avoid ice, minimize carbon emissions, avoid canals, shortest or alternative sea routes. Find the distance, ETA, and calculated carbon emissions.
The sea route calculator is excellent for user cases such as your vessel is on its way to Itaguai with an ETA 1st of March, and your broker asks if she can go to Port Kamsar instead and asks when she will be there. Or, if you are asked to give 3 new discharge options after you have fixed the vessel, where you have to give the ETA.
Monitor the live and study the historical vessel traffic in areas, regions, anchorages and ports and for crossing lines.
Find which vessels are at an anchorage or in a port just now, and which and how many vessels are expected to arrive.
Find the average time for different type of vessels spent in specific ports.
Find which vessels have been visited the ports or area in the past, how frequently specific vessels have been visited specific ports or area. Find if they loaded or discharged in the ports, and where they came from and where they are going when they depart the port.
Monitor the vessels with alerts when vessels set a port destination, arrive or depart or passing specific lines (select different compass directions).
Start build your business intelligence system by creating vessels list for your needs.
Decide the criteria which is important for you: One for each competitor, one for each client you serve, one list for vessels you want to inspect and buy, one list trading frequently to a specific port or region.
Gives you enhanced maritime insight since each vessel has a technical description, as well as live and historical AIS data attached. Quick and easy to show where they are just now and where they have been trading in the past.
Use the ETA calculator to find when they can be at specific ports and be notified when they arrive at the ports.
Add notes, documents, technical drawings, photos, technical data and your contacts to the vessel lists you have made.
Then you have it all the information at your fingertips and truly in your pocket.
Start by adding the type and sizes of vessels you follow mostly. Find the lat long coordinates, timestamp, current speed, whether the vessel is in ballast or laden condition, last port and next port.
Add the layers you prefer. Sea ice(updated every 24hours), ECA zones, Load Line, Maritime Judicial zones (200 – 24 and 12 nautical mile zones), war zones, piracy, Polar code, oil fields, offshore wind fields, canals and waterways. If you want some layers you can send reach out to us.
Add layers with updated marine weather every 24 hrs with a 14 days weather forecast (wind, waves, OceanCurrent and Precipitation) or switch between satellite and default maps.
Be progressive; create vessel lists and follow the vessels in your map, create a quick sea route calculator, add notes, find a technical description of the vessels, the trading history.