Meet Janni - Customer Success and Sales Manager

Hi Janni, Welcome to Maritime Optima! Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I'm Janni, a 26 year old girl from Bergen. I recently moved to Oslo to pursue a career in the shipping industry! I'm an outdoor enthusiast by heart. Growing up I participated in several team sports before I found my way to my three passions: running, biking and skiing. After completing a Master of Science in Business in the summer of 2022 I went sailing full time. I actually crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a 42 ft sailboat. Nowadays you find me hitting the ski slopes or a singletrack with my MTB in Oslo Marka. I also would never say no to a dinner with friends and family!

Tell us a little bit about your background? Your education? What are your interests? What have you been doing before you joined Maritime Optima?

Born and raised in Bergen, the wettest city in Europe. Still, I love spending time on outdoor activities. Besides spending time outdoors, I delivered my Master of Science in Business last summer. During my time as a student I have worked for several companies. With a major in Marketing, Innovation and Entrepreneurship I had fun working for a tech start up in the robotic industry. It started as a student project, and ended up as a full time job until November last year. Then I packed my bag and went sailing. Together with my dad, I crossed the Atlantic Ocean and spent some months cruising in the Caribbean. After spending 10 incredible months at sea I'm now ready to start a new adventure at Maritime Optima.

What will be your responsibilities in Maritime Optima?

I will be wokring with customer success and sales for ShipIntel. ShipIntel is Maritime Optima's new modular maritime solution for any shipping company. 

There are so many “digital maritime initiatives” / start-ups - what do you think is unique with Maritime Optima? 

The products. The team. In addition to great products and a solid team, Maritime Optima is eager to make an impact and change in an old industry, by being innovative and forward-leaning. That's unique!

What do you think a tech start-up needs to have or do in order to be successful?

It needs to have a good idea for a needed technology. In order to be successful a strong team is necessary. The team needs to be competent and ambitious. To guide the team you would need to add a team leader. The leader needs to be able to give the team responsibility, and a chance to feel ownership to both the product and company. The list is long!

Anything else you want to share with us Janni?

I'm super excited about this opportunity and want to thank Maritime Optima for their trust. I also look forward to getting new people onboard as we grow, and to get to know the people in the industry.

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