Build your private map by adding layers of information

Maps and map-layers appear to be ideal tools for better understanding the reality. Maps are perfect for visualizing a lot of information to quickly get an overview and to make better decisions.

In ShipAtlas you can select and combine different map layers such as:

  • Daily updated marine weather, ice conditions, piracy and sea ice conditions.
  • IMO's SECA/ECA zones, local ECA /SECA zones, Polar Code, Load line maps, canal restraints and Economical zones. Click in the map and find the details.
  • If you create vessel lists or port lists, you can also those lists on you map and follow changes in real-time.
  • You can switch between satellite or the default map colors.

The map information layers in ShipAtlas

Maps are perfect for visualising a lot of information, to get a quick overview and to focus. The idea of a map as a "mirror image of the reality" makes maps appear to be ideal tools for understanding complexity.  

You can combine different map layers pending on your user case. For example; turn on the wind map layer and select all supra-max vessels and then create a route from one of the supra-max vessels AIS position to any port.

Select type of vessels and sub types

Search and find any vessel by IMO, MMSI or name, or select the type pf vessels (segment) you want to follow in real-time, like dry cargo, tankers, chemicals etc. Narrow the list by selecting sub-segment within each main segment like; panamax for dry cargo, Aframax for tankers, etc.

You can search for vessels by using criteria such as LOA, Beam, dwt, year built etc. If these are the vessels you daily follow, you can create a lists of the vessels, and add those lists as layers to your map.

Historical AIS tracks for all the vessels

View where the vessels have been trading in the past. A vessel voyage history log is attached to all the vessels so you quickly can find where a specific vessels have been trading in the past.

Click on any of the vessels and select the Vessel Voyage history, and you will find their track in the map.

Daily updated global marine weather, piracy activities and sea ice conditions

Select marine weather layers such as wind, precipitation, currents and waves. Your will find the Beaufort scale for wind and Sea state scale for waves. The weather forecast is for the next 14 days and is updated every 24 hours (web only).

View the always updated sea ice condition or the anti-shipping activities which is updated every 24 hours.

Turn on the port layer and add some vessels or a vessel segments. Hover over vessels or ports in the map and find more data on the vessels or ports.

Canal restrictions and congestion

Select the canal layer and click on a canal to find information about the canal restrictions.

Turn on the canal congestion layer and find which type of vessels are waiting at anchorage to pass the Suez or the Panama canal.

Turn on the port layer and add some vessels or a vessel segments. Hover over or click on the vessels in the map to find information on a specific vessel.

Switch between light or dark mode, or change to satellite mode

Some prefer dark colours and some prefer light colours. Select the map colours you prefer.

If you want to study the vessels at anchorage and in a specific port; switch to satellite, add all vessel layers, and zoom in. Hover over or click on any of the vessels if you want to view more details about the vessels in port or at anchorage.

ECA/SECA Zone, Polar Codes and National Economical zones, Load line or INL zones

Select the ECA/SECA layers to find more details on the SOX/NOX areas. You will find the IMO defined zones and the national zones (Australia, South Korea, China, EU, Turkey). Click in the map and find the details.

Select National Economical Zones if you want to find which country controls the water.

Select Load line, International Navigating Limits (INL) or Polar code to study insurance conditions.

Click on any of the layers to find more detailed information.

Study the ports you want

If you want to find only tanker ports, then select tanker ports and you will find the tanker ports in your map.

If you want to find ports relevant for the type of vessel you operate, select dynamic port segments, and the ports will be changed automatically when you change between type of vessels (vessel segments and sub-segments).

Screenshot of ShipAtlas on a laptop.Screenshot of ShipAtlas on a tablet.Screenshot of ShipAtlas on a mobile.

Available on desktop
and mobile

Use the same login on your mobile and laptop/desktop, and your settings and data are automatically synced on all your devices.
Get it on Google Play button.Download on the App Store button.

An application you just love to use!

We are dedicated to developing ShipAtlas based on user feedback, so your feedback is highly welcomed.

We invest in having active and happy users, and we want to make it easy to reach us. So we are here to answer your questions, listen to your feedback and support you almost 24/7.

If you have ideas or wishes, want to propose improvements, or find bugs, please send us a chat so we can discuss.