

United Kingdom / Dundee

Dundee is located in United Kingdom. The local time at Dundee is 16:35 The wind in the port blows at 8 m/s. The humidity is 85% and the temperature is 10°C. There are curently 1 vessels in port and 6 vessels recently departed.

Dundee has bunker available for the following grades: VLSFO at $594 per tonne, MGO at $818.213038 per tonne, HSFO at $559.75 per tonne, and the last price update was at Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:21:57 UTC. The number of terminals in Dundee is 0 and the number of berths is 0.



29 Apr 2024 15:21



29 Apr 2024 15:21



29 Apr 2024 15:21
Bunker prices provided by

Vessels in port

Vessel name Type Previous port Next port Arrived at
WILSON WISLA General cargo ship with double hull(dry_bulk)

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