We have partnered up with DNB Bank ASA, DNV AS - Ventures, Kongsberg Digital AS, Maritime Optima AS, Nor-Shipping and the two universities BI Norwegian Business School, and OsloMet. All are our members.
Our goal is to challenge students to come up with solutions to problems faced by the maritime and oceans industries, which can be related to, say, decarbonization and emissions reductions, digitalization, ocean waste, or other challenges that are being addressed right now. A lot of innovation is happening in these fields, however there is a need for more!
The hackathon will last for 48 hours, and in the end, after a midway presentation for feedback, the groups will present their findings to a jury from our partner companies.
Some teams will be chosen to keep working with partner companies and at least one will be awarded with a prize at the opening conference at Nor-Shipping 2023.
Oslo Innovation Week is an umbrella event including over 60 events hosted by Norwegian and international incubators, investors, and startup ecosystem builders in Oslo. It takes place from 26 to 29 September, 2022.